
This article describes the options for adding, editing, inactivating, transferring or deleting category values via the ‘Manage categories’ self-service functionality. To configure your organisation's category values, you must be granted the ‘Can manage categories’ permission. 

There are some changes that cannot be undone. Before making any changes please ensure you read and understand the below article: 

Category values navigation

Use the ‘More’ drop-down and select ‘Admin’ to access the ‘Manage categories’ section under the ‘System configuration’ group. Select ‘Manage categories’ to view a table of the existing categories, showing the Name, Code and Type.

To update a category, select its name. You will be taken to the ‘General’ tab, scroll down to the ‘Values’ section to update the category values. For more information about the other options on this tab, please read the ‘Updating 'General' tab’ article. 

To find a specific value, type into the search field. Matching values will appear in green as you type and the hierarchy will expand to allow you to see all matches. 

Use the options below the search bar to change your view of the category values. You can sort the values ascending (A-Z) or descending (Z-A), and click the save button to save the order. 

By default, all values, active and inactive will be visible. If you only want to see active values use the ‘Hide inactive values’ icon. 

To change whether the hierarchy is collapsed or expanded use the blue upwards or downwards-facing arrows next to the values name, or the arrows below the search bar. 

Each value will either have a green dot meaning the value is active, or a grey dot meaning the value is inactive. Quick edits can be made by clicking on the dot or the value name. 

You can quickly change the order of the values, by selecting a value, dragging it to the new position and dropping it. The value can also be dropped on another value to be nested under it. 

Editing options overview

The ‘Manage category’ self-service functionality provides a variety of editing options to ensure you can preserve historical data (if you wish), and minimise any negative impacts of your changes for candidates, jobs and reporting. 

Adding new values

New category values can be added individually or in bulk. Depending on the category type, the new category values become available to be selected by users and/or candidates as soon as the changes have been saved. 

Inactivating values

Category values that are no longer required can be inactivated. Inactivating a category value means the previous selections will remain assigned to historical jobs and/or candidates, and be visible when a user views the job and/or candidate in SnapHire or via reports. But the inactivated values cannot be selected by users when creating new jobs or editing existing jobs, or by candidates when creating a new registration/application or updating their existing profile. 

Values can easily be reactivated if required. 

Transferring previous answers to another value

Transferring previous category value answers to another value is a good option if you are consolidating a category list and mapping multiple values to one new or existing value. The previous answers will be assigned to the other value, potentially minimising the impact on job alerts and pipeline filtering. 

All references to the original value will display as the new value on jobs, candidates, and applications (depending on the category type) and in reporting. 

The action cannot be undone.

Deleting values

Deleting a category value will result in the value being completely removed from SnapHire and from reports. 

The action cannot be undone and should only be used after careful consideration. Often inactivating values instead of deleting them is the better option.

Next steps

Please ensure you read and understand all the category self-service articles before making any changes and if you are unsure, please contact us [email protected] for assistance.