The filter buttons above the candidate list allows you to change the search criteria and filter the candidates list you are viewing. This feature is sometimes called 'Candidate search' or 'Talent search'. This article includes:
- Using existing searches in the Candidates tab
- Creating your own search criteria
- Available candidate search search criteria
Using existing searches in the Candidates tab
If you have been granted the permission 'Can create and search candidates', the Candidates tab will be available to you. In the Candidates tab, if you would like to view candidates other than those that appear by default, use the options available from the saved searches drop-down box available at the top of the screen:

In this drop-down list of searches, you'll see the searches which have been previously saved by you, or saved by others (who have been granted the 'Create shared candidate saved search' permission) who have shared them.
Creating your own search criteria
You can create your own search criteria and filter to view candidates other than those visible:
- In the 'Candidates' tab (if you have been granted the permission 'Can create and search candidates'), from the saved drop-down box available at the top of the screen.
- In the application bucket you are currently viewing. Refer to Candidate lists - 'Refine this search' for more information on the 'Refine this search' button visible in application buckets.
To create your own criteria:
- Enter a keyword in the 'Search by keyword' box. The results will update as you type. Refer to the detailed section below for more information.
- Click on the applicable visible category filter button(s) and select the value(s) you want to include in your search result. The filter buttons that appear here will reflect the profile/search agent and job seeker additional info categories that are configured on your site. When you have made your selection(s) within a filter panel, click outside of the panel to instantly run your search and display the results in the candidate list view. Refer to the detailed section below for more information.
- Click on the applicable Private tags or Team tags filter button(s) and select the tag(s) you want to include in your search result.
- Click on the 'More filters' button to filter on other candidate details as required. This provides you with a range of ways to find candidates.
- When you have finished setting your criteria, click outside of the filter panel to instantly run your search and display the results in the candidate list view.
- Use the 'Results per page' option to change the number of candidates you will see in your list. This will default to 50 unless you have specified a different number of results.
Available candidate search criteria
Name, preferred name, email address or phone number | Available via the quick search box at the top right of the screen, and via the 'Search by keyword' box above the candidate list. Here you can include a full/partial name, email address or phone number. This search criteria is the same as the quick search available at the top right-hand corner of the SnapHire screen and will search the first name, middle name, last name, preferred name, email address and phone number fields. When searching in the phone number fields, SnapHire will ignore any spaces the candidate has inserted. E.g. the phone number entered as '021 234 567' would be found in the search '021234567. |
Keywords | Available via the quick search box at the top right of the screen, and via the 'Search by keyword' box above the candidate list. Here you can include a keyword(s) to find anywhere in the candidate's details, including the name, email address, address, resume and phone number. There is weighting on each field such that a search for 'Virginia' would return candidates named 'Virginia' above candidates with an address in Virginia, which will in turn be ranked above candidates with a reference named Virginia in their resume. You can also search by a specific field, for example: name:john will return candidates who have 'John' as any of their first, middle, last or preferred names. Similarly, the below specific field search formats (examples) can be used to search within those fields: email:hotmail phone:0211231234 address:auckland resume:analyst Keyword search also supports advanced search operators. This can be very useful when searching for talent with a key skill, qualification or experience. For example: - If you enter more than one word (e.g. Musical Director), each individual word will be recognised as a separate keyword, and any candidate who matches either one (or both) of those words you’ve entered will be included in the results. - If you enter more than one word and you want to find an exact match, put it in double quotes so that it is recognized as a phrase (e.g. “Musical Director”). - If you want to find people that match ALL the keywords entered then you would use the plus (+) symbol to specify that (e.g. Musical+Director). - You can also use the minus (-) symbol to exclude certain words/phrases from your results. For example; if you wanted to find any profiles that contained the word ‘Director’ but not if the profile also contained the word Musical then you would enter +Director –Musical. Or perhaps if you wanted to find any profiles that contained the word ‘Director’ but not if it was part of the phrase ‘Musical Director’ then you would enter +Director -“Musical Director”. Important to note that you shouldn't have spaces around the plus or minus characters i.e, use Musical+Director rather than Musical + Director. |
Category filter buttons | This area allows you to select from your organisation's customised profile selections. There are two types of profile selections available: 2 - Values that the candidate does not have visibility to, which have been added by someone in your organisation (e.g. High touch evaluation). If there are key groupings of talent that you want to easily find in your business, you may want to use the Categories Self-Service functionality to update your category values. If you regularly find that your profile selections are too broad for talent searching (e.g. Expertise of Finance, when you really want to be able to identify those interested in Credit Control positions) then you may like to consider: - Reviewing your existing profile choices for jobs/candidates. For example you might have the value Finance with various sub values including Credit Control etc. This allows the jobs to be more clearly profiled, as well as allowing candidates to make very granular decisions about how they profile themselves – this means more targeted job alerts for them, and easier searching for you! - Adding profile-targeted registration questions so that if a candidate makes a certain profile selection (e.g. Finance) then they are then asked some additional registration questions that are not normally seen (e.g. Please select all Finance systems you have used). This will allow you to view more relevant information about the candidate as part of your search results. If you find that your talent community does not seem to accurately profile themselves (e.g. candidate has profiled themselves as interested in Human Resources only but has applied to an IT job) then you may like to consider turning on the Autostamp feature for some profile selections. If a candidate applies to a job that has a profile that does not match their profile selections, their profile is automatically updated to include the missed values (e.g. candidate has profiled themselves as interested in Human Resources only but has applied to an IT job, SnapHire would add the value of IT to the candidates profile. This would mean that the candidate would now also receive IT job alerts.). |
Other candidate details | Registration statusSelect whether you want to:
Refer to the 'Incomplete registration' icon for candidates article for more information. |
Privacy preference Select whether you want to
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Subscription statusSelect whether you want to:
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CV Select whether you want to:
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Subordinate profile Select whether you want to:
Refer to the Duplicate candidates articles for more information. | |
Uncontactable Select whether you want to:
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Always screen out Select whether you want to: