How do I decline a candidate from a pipeline ‘child’ job?

When you go to decline a candidate on a child job if you're viewing a list of applications, you will be presented with the below screen:

If you select “No”, then the candidate's application will be moved to the decline bucket on both the child and parent jobs and they cannot be considered for any other child jobs.

If you select “Yes’’, then the candidate's application will appear back on the parent pipeline job in the bucket that they were in before they got moved onto the child job. From here, you then have the option to move them onto another child job.



If you use a decline action that includes sending an email and then select “No’’, this will result in the candidate receiving two identical decline messages; one for the child job and one for the parent pipeline job. If you do not want to send the candidate two decline messages, then you will need to decide which decline message you want the candidate to receive and then break up the decline process into two steps. E.g:

  1. Decline them off the child job with or without decline message
  2. Then decline them off the parent job with or without decline message

Details view

If you're viewing the candidate's details (not a list of applications), you won't be presented with the above options and will instead be declined the application from only the child job. If you want to decline the application from the pipeline as well, you will need to complete this as a second step. 

Bucket unveiling

Your workflow may be set up so that candidates cannot see their child job application until a later part of the process. This is sometimes set up so that a manager can choose whether to proceed before the job seeker is made aware they are being considered, meaning the number of decline messages needing to be sent to the job seeker is reduced.  

Applications to child jobs will be visible to candidates once the applicant is moved past an "unveiled" bucket. If you're unsure what buckets are visible to job seekers on a child job, please contact [email protected] and we can check for you. If the application is on a child job but in a bucket that hasn't been unveiled, we recommend you decline the application with no email message.