Whenever you view a list of candidates in the Candidates tab (if you have been granted the permission 'Can create and search candidates'), or a list in a bucket of a job, you are using candidate list view. When in the candidate list view you can select a candidate(s) and use the Candidate and Application menus to take action with one or multiple candidates. Please note that there are some Candidate menu items that are not available when you are in job list view (e.g. Candidate \ Other \ Delete candidate), these will become available when you are viewing the details of a specific candidate.
This article provides information about the candidate list view and includes:
Key areas
The key areas of the candidate list view in a bucket are:
- Directly above the list of names, the total number of candidates to be displayed is indicated with 'Showing 1-30 of X' where X is the total possible number to be displayed. The '1-30' indicates that the candidates will be displayed in lists of 30 results per screen.
- '<- Previous' and 'Next ->' links are available to help you navigate through multiple pages of results.
- Each of the candidate names is a link. Clicking on this link takes you to the candidates profile and application details. Before clicking into the detailed view, you may be able to get the information you need by reviewing the icons related to the candidate. For more information, please refer to the 'Candidate icons/labels' article.
The key areas of the Candidates tab list view are:
- At the bottom of the screen, the total number of candidates to be displayed is indicated with 'Showing 1-50 of X' where X is the total possible number to be displayed. The '1-50' indicates that the candidates will be displayed in lists of 50 results per screen. You can change this number by selecting a different value from the 'Results per page' drop down.
- '<' and '>', buttons are available to help you navigate through multiple pages of results. '<<' and '>>' buttons are available to skip directly to the first or last page of results.
- Each of the candidate names is a link. Clicking on this link takes you to the candidates profile and application details. Before clicking into the detailed view, you may be able to get the information you need by reviewing the icons related to the candidate. For more information, please refer to the 'Candidate icons/labels' article.
- You can manage the columns of candidate information that is displayed by using the 'Columns' button on the top right of the screen.
Sorting order
When viewing candidate lists:
- The current screen sort is indicated by the arrow symbol next to the column name which is currently being sorted on, with the direction of the arrow indicating the sort is either ascending (
) or descending (
- To re-sort the information you are viewing, click on the hyperlinked column heading.
In the Candidates tab, the candidates will be sorted by the 'Date registered' by default, with the most recent registrations first.
- In an application bucket, the candidate applications will be sorted depending on the defined bucket view for the job.
Candidate lists in the Candidates tab
If you have been granted the permission 'Can create and search candidates', the Candidates tab will be visible. When you click into the Candidates tab, you will see the default 'Show all' view of your talent.
You can select from the drop-down list of other saved searches at the top of the screen. Alternatively, you can use the:
- Filter button(s) to define your own criteria to display - please refer to the Candidate lists - Refining searches via the Candidates tab article.
- 'Save this search' button to save your search criteria - please refer to the Candidate lists - 'Save this search' article.
This view includes almost all candidates registered with your careers site. The candidates who are not included in this default view are those who have:
- marked themselves as 'private' (if this feature has been enabled on your site), unless you have been granted the permission 'Manage private candidates' (when you will be able to see these candidates).
- been marked by one of your users as either 'Always screen out' or 'Uncontactable' (if either of these markings are enabled on your site).
TIP: If your site uses the recruiter teams functionality, you will be able to see candidates from any team but only their applications that relate to your team.
Candidate lists in application buckets
When you click into a bucket of a specific job the list of candidate applications will be shown using the SnapHire default bucket view (which includes the date applied, their name, last application action, application score and number of applications) unless your organization has customised a view for the bucket you are in (or the view has been customised for this job via the 'Manage bucket views' option within the Questions tab of the job wizard).
If you'd like to display other information in this view, use the 'Refine this search' button to define your own criteria to display - please refer to the Candidate lists - 'Refine this search' article.