
Both the candidate tagging and marking (e.g. “Top Talent”) features allow you to group/label candidates in your talent pool, but have different advantages.  Use the table below to help you determine the best tool for your requirements.  For further assistance, please contact Client Success.


CreationTags are created by recruiter users 'on the fly' as/when required.  As each tag is only made up of the label name (no other information is required) they are very quick to add.

If multiple candidates are selected when applying a tag(s), you can choose whether the new tag should be added to all selected candidates without removing any existing tags, or whether all selected candidates should tags should be set to exactly the new tag, or whether tags should be removed from all selected candidates.
Created by our Client Success team for you as part of your site implementation, or later when you are live.

Markings are made up of a name, icon, and description to display to users applying the marking (e.g. your business rule about when / under what conditions to apply this marking), and tied into actions on your site. This means that input is required by your organisation before they can be created by Client Success, and the creation process is longer than tagging.

Markings can be hierarchal, for example:
Do Not Rehire
- Reason A
- Reason B
- Reason X

Suitable for Rehire
- Reason Y
- Reason Z

If configured, an icon may be added to identify the marking. The icon can be applied to the branch or leaf level of the structure depending on requirements. For example; icon is added to the branch (e.g. 'Do Not Rehire') so it will be visible when looking at the candidate in a list, but when viewing the candidate details the sub value of 'Reason X' will be available.
ManagementRecruiters can create as many tags as they like, and use whatever language/label they determine which can sometimes lead to long lists of tags with often accidental duplication of groupings (e.g. 'AklAdmin' and 'AdminAkld').

Tags are self-managing, when a tag is no longer applied to any candidate, the tag label is removed.
Markings are a reasonably structured approach to your talent groupings and only appropriate people in your organisation can request new markings or changes to existing markings.  This should result in a reasonably small and specific group of groupings.

You can have multiple types of markings on your site. For each group of markings, a candidate can only have one value applied to them at a time.

For example, it is sensible that a candidate can only have one marking at a time from the 'Evaluation' group which might have the following values:

- Top talent
- Good talent
- Neutral/no evaluation
- Caution
- Indiscriminate applier

But you may have additional marking groups on your site, where a candidate who is marked as 'Good talent' for Evaluation is also marked as 'Ok to Rehire' for the 'Rehire Status' marking group etc.
Information displayedTags are displayed next to the candidate's name.Markings provide more information to the user:
- If configured, the icon (chosen by your organisation) is displayed next to the candidate's name.

- When a user hovers over the icon, the name of the marking is displayed.

 - When applying a marking the action to apply it can include your organisation's business rules about when / under what conditions to apply the marking to ensure consistency across your users.
ApplicationTags are applied to the selected candidate(s) by the recruiter user as/when required independently of any other action they are taking for the candidate or their applications.

If multiple candidates are selected when applying a tag(s), you can choose whether the new tag(s) should be added to all selected candidates without removing any existing tags, or whether all selected candidates should tags should be set to exactly the new tag, or whether tags should be removed from all selected candidates.
Markings can be configured to be applied in several ways:

- By the recruiter and/or manager user as/when required, and independent of any other action they are taking with the candidate or their applications.

- By the system as a result of another action that has been taken. We call this a 'cascade' action and they can be used in a variety of ways, most commonly when processing applications. For example: a 'Decline as indiscriminate' action might process the decline of the application (send an email & move the application to the Screened Out bucket), and then automatically apply the indiscriminate marking to the candidate.

- By the candidates themselves when they select a particular value in the profile information they complete via your careers website. Whilst this is possible, it is unusual to apply in this way as it is based upon unverified information the candidate.
User visibility - Private tags are visible to the recruiter who added them.

- Team tags are visible to any recruiter in the same team as the recruiter who added them.

- Neither Private nor Team tags are visible to manager users.
Markings are visible to all Recruiters (regardless of which Team they are in) and Managers.
Quick accessWhen in the Candidates tab, Recruiter users will see 'Private tags' and 'Team tags' (which relate to their team) buttons along the top of the search results which will allow them to search for and filter existing tags.
Markings can be included in Searches (refer below), so if required, a saved search can be added to allow quick access to this group of marked candidates from the View drop-down list at the top of the Candidates tab.
SearchingWhen in the Candidates tab, Recruiter users will see 'Private tags' and 'Team tags' (which relate to their team) buttons along the top of the search results which will allow them to search for and filter existing tags.
Marking can be included in search criteria within the Candidates tab using the 'Refine this search' link (more information is available in user information about Talent Searches).
Saved searchesTags cannot be included in candidate saved searches.Markings can be included in candidate saved searches as they fall into the 'Who have profile' section of the search criteria (more information is available in user information about Talent Searches).