
This article describes the contents of the version 8450 SnapHire product release, where the Talent App Store (TAS) has not been enabled. This version is available for general release from the 15th of November 2016.  This version provides the technical capability to utilize the Talent App Store (www.talentappstore.com) when available.

 This article includes the following:

Change to time-out period when using SnapHire

In this version we have made some changes to the time-out process for your SnapHire session.  The default time-out is now one hour, and this time is automatically extended based upon activity (i.e. if there is activity, the hour starts again).  The time-out process has been improved so that any activity in the browser is considered "active" - this means if you click your mouse in the browser, or type in a field your session will remain "active".  Learn more... 

Document Generator improvements

In this version we have made some small improvements related to the Document Generator feature:
  • "Print when" conditional field validation:  Previously, if a "print when" conditional field was incorporated in a document template, and the field had not been answered, the condition would be inserted into the document.  With this version, the Document Generator is able to confirm if any conditional fields are used, and if the field has not been answered no information will be included in the generated document.

  • Image storage:  Some organizations experienced storage issues with images included in some document templates, the work-around for which was to store the images in the SnapHire Image Gallery. This has now been resolved, and images can now be correctly stored within the Document Generator feature for these organizations.

  • Hiring approval views (this change is only applicable if your organization uses the Hiring Approval feature):  We have made changes to enable links to documents (created by the Document Generator) to be included in the system hiring approval views - this is the information that is displayed to users when approving/disapproving the request (after they have clicked on the link in the request to approve/disapprove email).

  • Secured documents:  We have fixed an issue that users were experiencing when using a link included within an email to try to access secured documents (created by the Document Generator), even when successfully signed in.  Now if the user clicks on the link within the email, they are taken to the SnapHire site, required to sign in, and then the secured document will open.

Other changes

  1. Improved security for Multi-choice (multiple selections) registration and job application question format:  We have improved the security for this question type when "Further details" are requested of the job seeker.  The response field no longer lets job seekers (potentially) include answers which render.

  2. New playback tool for Soundbite and Video upload questions:  For security and usability reasons, we've changed the playback tool used by SnapHire when playing back the responses job seekers have provided to Soundbite or Video upload questions.  From this version the playback feature uses HTML5 instead of Flash.  When playing back Soundbite questions the tool displayed includes recording time information (current position / total length) along with a sound level / mute option (the way this specifically looks will vary depending on the browser/version you are using).  In addition, when viewing Video upload question responses, there is also a full screen playback option.

  3. Application snapshot appearance fix:  We've fixed an issue which was experienced in some browsers/versions when viewing the Application snapshot.  For impacted users, the Application snapshot screen appeared very small and required a lot of scrolling to review the full information.

  4. Bulk print special character input improvements:  We have completed some more of the ongoing work to improve detection and correction of special characters that may disrupt generation of PDFs using the Bulk Print feature.  In this release have extended the detection process to cover more possible sources of user input.

New SnapHire permissions

In this version we have added the following new SnapHire permissions: 
  1. Can access the Apps tab:  This permission sits under the "Access" heading for permissions, and upon upgrade to v8450 this permission is set to be "Available to" Recruiter, Manager and Agency users (please note that granting this permission to agency users is only relevant if the user is a processing agency user). If granted to a user, this permission gives them access to the 'Apps' tab if the site has been configured to utilize the Talent App Store. The Apps tab allows the user to access the Talent App Store account for their organization/site.

  2. Can access and update the site property files:  This administration permission sits under the "Maintenance" heading for permissions, and upon upgrade to v8450 this permission is set to be "Available to" Recruiter users only. If granted to a user, this permission makes the 'Property setting' menu on the 'Admin' tab available. From this menu the user can access the 'Property file setting' administration screen to edit the site XML files. This permission should only be granted to support users (or similar).

  3. Can view and edit job board posting xml:  This permission sits under the "Maintenance" heading for permissions, and upon upgrade to v8450 this permission is set to be "Available to" Recruiter users only. If granted, when the user is viewing an integrated job board posting, the 'EDIT XML' button will appear (in addition to the regular 'EDIT THIS AD' button). The EDIT XML button allows the user to view/edit the entire xml for the posting to rectify any issues in it which cannot be corrected via the regular EDIT THIS AD button. This permission should only be granted to support users (or similar). Please note that the ability to view/edit job board posting xml is not new for the Support team, just the permission to control the visibility of it is.

Administration changes

In this release we've also made some administration changes.  These won't impact you directly, but we know some clients will be interested to know about them:

  1. Oops errors:  We've improved the diagnostic content of the "Oops" error messages which are displayed when an unexpected error occurs.  This additional information is included in the section we ask you to copy and paste and email to support when an error has occurred.

  2. Workflow admin:  Until now, when administrators created/amended workflows within your site they required development assistance to make them available for use with external apps (which includes processes like Timed Application Actions).  In this version we introduce the ability for administrators to carry out this task.

  3. Tracker ID field:  In this version we introduce a new Tracker ID field to the SnapHire database.  In the future, this new field will give SnapHire the ability to store information related to Talent App Store trackers. Storing this data will help with future reporting and new sourcing functionality.