
Often an organisation's data quality impacts its ability to get value from its reports. Below are some top housekeeping tips to optimise your reporting data.

Use the correct job status

Using the correct job statuses will ensure your reporting data is as accurate as possible.


Archiving jobs

'Archived' is a good job status for all jobs that should never have been created, were accidental duplicates, or were used for test purposes, as archived jobs are automatically excluded from all reports.  Quite often clients also have jobs with a 'Draft' status which will never progress to 'Open' and should instead be 'Archived' as well.

However, don't archive open jobs that will never be filled due to budget freeze, restructuring, or change of job description etc.  Instead, changing the job's status to 'Closed' means you can still report on all the jobs that were being worked on in a given period, and also provide data around the number of jobs that were closed with no hires.

'On hold' jobs

Sometimes jobs can have an 'On hold' status for months and possibly years.  This can significantly skew the average number of days open and the number of jobs open, as this status is treated as an open status (because there may still be applications in active buckets).

For this reason, try to minimise all 'On hold' jobs.  The easiest thing to do is to move any active applications into terminal buckets and close the job. If you need a new action that moves applications without notifying the candidate, please get in contact with the Client Success team at [email protected].

Correct negative positions open

If your reports are showing negative positions to fill, this indicates that there have been more hires against a job than was specified in the original job requisition.  Negative positions open numbers will underrepresent the volume of jobs being worked on by a recruiter team.

To fix this, simply edit the job and update the 'Positions open' field so that it reflects the correct number of hires the job requires.

Please check out the Using reports, and Standard reports folders for more information on SnapHire reporting.