
'Featured' jobs generally appear with higher prominence on the careers site than the 'Top' jobs. Click here for more information on top jobs. 

Typically featured jobs are displayed with their associated image (from the image tab of the job wizard) and a large snippet of the beginning of the job advertisement text and other key information.

You will only be able to promote a job from top job to featured job if you have been granted the 'Can manage publishing' permission.

For a job to be promoted as a featured job, it must first be a top job.  To then promote a top job to a featured job:

  1. Select the job – either from the Job details view or by selecting ☑ in the Job list view.
  2. Choose JOB \ Edit \ Image tab:  Check the image associated with the job.  Click SAVE AND FINISH.
  3. Click on the More navigation tab and select Admin.
  4. In the Configuration hub section, find Careers site \ Publishing.
  5. Go to the Top Jobs section and find the job you wish to promote (from top job to featured job).
  6. Click the 'Move up' button next to the job title until the job appears in the Featured Jobs section.

TIP:  If the job status becomes not visible (e.g. 'Open, not visible' / 'Closed, not visible' etc.), any featured job promotion is automatically removed.

Re-ordering or removing top jobs or featured jobs

You will only be able to re-order or remove a top job or featured job listing if you have been granted the 'Can manage publishing' permission.  

To re-order or remove a top job or featured job:

  1. Click on the More navigation tab and select Admin.
  2. In the Configuration hub section, find Careers site \ Publishing.
  3. Find the job you wish to re-order or remove.
    1. Re-order listings by using the 'Move Up' & 'Move Down' buttons
    2. Remove listings by using the 'Move to waiting' button to move the job to the 'Waiting to be published' section.  Jobs that are 'Waiting to be published' are not visible on the front page of the site.  You can either leave the job in the Waiting section (to publish again in the future), or remove it completely from this screen by clicking 'Remove from publishing'.


  • If you remove a top job or featured job promotion through this process, it does not affect the job advertisement appearing on the careers site (that is, this process is simply removing the additional promotion):
  • If the job status becomes not visible (e.g. 'Open, not visible' / 'Closed, not visible' etc.), any top jobs or featured job promotion is automatically removed.

Publishing status of Top jobs or Featured jobs

The current publishing status of your job can be seen in the 'Status' section of the job details, next to the label 'Published on front page?':

The available options are:

  • Not published – this job is not currently published on your careers site as a top job or featured job.
  • Top Jobs – this job is currently published on your careers site a top job (remember, your organization may have renamed this on the careers site to 'Latest jobs' etc, but here it will show the label 'Top Jobs').
  • Feature Jobs – this job is currently published on your careers site as a feature job.
  • Requested for Publication – this job is sitting in the 'Waiting to be published' section of the top job / featured job administration (refer to 'Re-ordering or removing top jobs or featured jobs' above).

TIP:  If the job status becomes not visible (e.g. 'Open, not visible' / 'Closed, not visible' etc.), any top job or featured job promotion is automatically removed.