
This article describes the contents of the version 8494 SnapHire product release.  This version is available for general release from Tuesday 4th June 2019.  


This release includes:

Fix to multi-choice (multiple selections) data field type

In this release, we have fixed the maximum selection constraint which can be set on multi-choice (multiple selections) data field types. Previously, the ability to limit the number of selections did not work correctly, which meant that a candidate could submit more than the maximum amount of selections specified on the field.

Aotal / SnapHire only permissions

There are a set of permissions within SnapHire that are used by Aotal / SnapHire staff to configure your system. Recruiter users with the "Manage users" permission can currently grant these permissions to themselves or other recruiter users within their organisation. This has lead to instances where the permissions have been granted to recruiter users outside of Aotal / SnapHire, and configuration changes have been made to the system which have caused issues. Therefore, we have granted these permissions only to Aotal / SnapHire staff. 

Admin permissions that are only granted to Aotal / SnapHire staff, are:

  • Can perform document generator setup
  • Can perform site maintenance
  • Can perform site setup
  • Can view system logs
  • Can access and update the site property files
  • Can view and edit job board posting xml
  • Can edit static content
  • Can perform site morphing
  • Can do everything in brix admin

If you have any of the above permissions granted to your user account, at upgrade these will be removed. If you feel that you should have access to any of the above permissions please contact our Client Success team to discuss.

Reorganisation of permission screens

In preparation for the release of self-service features the User permission screen has been reorganised. It has been broken in to three sections to better utilise the space on the page. The Aotal / SnapHire only permissions will not appear to you on this screen unless you are an Aotal / SnapHire staff member. 

The Admin tab has also been reorganised to include a "Configuration hub" section, which will present the configuration options that are available to the logged in recruiter user. 

New permissions

Three new permissions have been created as a result of the Aotal / SnapHire only permissions and in preparation for the release of self-service features.

  1. Can manage publishing - This permission grants users the ability to manage which jobs are published to the front page of the careers site as Top jobs. The 'Publishing' menu item becomes available on the 'Admin' tab (under the 'Careers site' menu).
  2. Can manage registration questions - This permission grants users the ability to create, edit and delete registration questions. The 'Manage registration questions' menu item becomes available on the 'Admin' tab (under the 'Job seeker questions' menu). Please note, this feature will be available in an upcoming release.
  3. Can manage default job questions - This permission grants users the ability to create, edit and delete default job questions. The 'Manage default job questions' menu item becomes available on the 'Admin' tab (under the 'Job seeker questions' menu). Please note, this feature will be available in an upcoming release.

Administration changes

In this release, we've made a couple of administration changes.  This will not impact you directly, but we know some clients will be interested to know about them:

  • Fix to user raisable setting on jobs: We've fixed an issue that meant recruiter users could only raise job actions on a job that was assigned to them even when it was set to be available to all recruiter users. 
  • Fix to make iframes supported on cloud sites: We've applied a fix which means iframes now render on cloud sites.