
When using SnapHire there are some key elements which will almost always be visible to you, one of these is the navigation tabs.   The navigation tabs help you move around SnapHire.


To the far right is the name of the account you are currently signed in as.  Click on your name to sign out when required, or access the Account tab to update your details. Learn more...:

When you are signed in you may not see all of the tabs shown above as they are dependent on the permissions you have been granted.  Here is a summary of each of the navigation tabs available:

DashboardTakes you to your SnapHire Dashboard tab and shows your sites Welcome message, Overview and Insights and items for your attention.  Learn more ...
JobsTakes you to the Jobs tab so that you can review the jobs that are associated with your user account.  When using the Jobs tab you can select from the drop-down list of 'Search' options, or click the 'Refine this search' button to define your own criteria.
CandidatesThis tab will be visible if you have been granted the permission 'Can create and search job seekers'.  Takes you to the Candidates tab so that you can review the 'pool' of candidates who have registered with your organisations careers site.  You can select from the drop-down list of various 'View' options or click the 'Refine this search' button define and save your own criteria.
MarketplaceThis tab will be visible if you have been granted the permission 'Can view the Marketplace'.
UsersThis tab will be visible if you have been granted a permission to create a new user (Recruiter, Manager or Agency user), or have been granted the 'Manage users' permission'.  Takes you to the 'Users' tab so that you can review all of the SnapHire user accounts for your organization - this includes Recruiters, Hiring Managers and Agency users.  Please note that users do not necessarily sign into the site; some may be set up simply so that you can email them from SnapHire etc.
AdminTakes you to the 'Administration functions' tab.  This tab will be visible if you have been granted a permission which relates to one of the many administration functions available within it.
SupportThis tab will be visible if you have been granted the permission 'Can access support tab'.  This is where you can get information about the version of SnapHire your site is currently running on (and other technical details), as well as our contact details if you require assistance.  Learn more ...