
This article describes the contents of the version 8470 SnapHire product release.  This version is available for general release from the 17 April 2018.  This article includes:

Performance improvement via changes to search related structures and views

This group of changes are to the way the tree structures are built when running searches and building the view of the search results.  The impacts of these changes should mean an increase in the speed of carrying out searches and viewing the search results views, and in the building of job alert notifications. For example:

  1. Jobs tab \ Refine this search \ 'That have profile' criteria
  2. Seekers tab \ Refine this search \ 'Who have profile' criteria.
  3. Activity on pipeline parent and child jobs (because SnapHire is searching the parent for matches to the child etc).
  4. Users tab \ Refine this search \ 'That have Business Group' and 'That have location' (for sites using location pinning) criteria.
  5. Compilation of the job alert mass mailing process (matching candidates to jobs via matching profiles).

Fix to bucket view mapping screen

In this version we have fixed an issue where assigned mappings for some buckets would not be saved.  This was occurring because some buckets had an encoded identification which was also a sub-string of another buckets encoded identification (the changes to this bucket would not be saved). For example; if there were buckets called "Xy" and "XyZ', any changes to the bucket mapping for "Xy" were not able to be identified/saved.

Fix to ensure application documents are available to job seekers in 're-apply' buckets

In this version we have fixed an issue where a job seeker had applied to a job and uploaded a document (in answer to a registration or job application question), and was moved to a bucket which has the 're-apply' feature enabled.  When the job seeker clicked on the 'Provide more information for your job application' button, the previously uploaded document wasn't being downloaded from the Recruiter site and was therefore unavailable to the job seeker.  This also meant the document wasn't being carried forward with updated application, and therefore these documents were unavailable to Recruiters etc.  Please note, this fix will only be in effect for job seekers who use the reapply feature after the upgrade to v8470.

Fix for issue where link to the careers site was not working for returning job seekers

In this version we have fixed an issue where links generated using the @@SLSeekerSiteLink@@ placeholder (which takes the job seeker to the careers site, but does not sign them in etc) would not work if the job seeker had previously visited the careers site in the same browser.