
This article describes the contents of the version 8468 SnapHire product release.  This version is available for general release from the 16th February 2018.  This article includes:

New permissions for existing 'Job Approval' and 'Hiring Approval' functions

This item relates to organizations who use the Job approval and/or the Hiring approval functions.  In this version we have added four permissions to control the various existing approval related activities.  This means for:

  1. Recruiter users: there will be no noticeable change upon upgrade to v8467.  This is because all of the functions controlled by the new permissions were previously available to all recruiter users by default.  Therefore, the four new permissions will be automatically made available to / granted to all recruiter users upon upgrade.
  2. Manager users: there will be no noticeable change upon upgrade to v8467. This is because all of the functions controlled by the new permissions were not previously available to manager users.  These permissions now give your organization the ability to allow some/all approval activity by granting the permission(s) for specific manager users. Upon upgrade to v8468 none of these four new permissions will be granted to any manager user.

The four new permission are:

Permission name
Permission description
Job approval
Can create and start job approval
This permission grants users the ability to create and start job approval (will give access to send reminder, add/remove user & start the chain).
Job approval
Can override job approval
This permission grants users the ability to override job approval - this is the function Approve now/Disapprove now and answer on behalf.
Hiring approval
Can create and start hiring approval
This permission grants users the ability to create and start hiring approval (will give access to send reminder, add/remove user & start the chain).
Hiring approval
Can override hiring approval  
This permission grants users the ability to override hiring approval - this is the function Approve now/Disapprove now and answer on behalf.

New interactive Google Map option available for careers sites

In this version we have added a new site configuration field which allows the 'google-map-react' component to work with an interactive Google map feature (if/when a map is added to your careers site).  This means that you could allow job seekers to use an interactive map to find/view job opportunities.  

When configured, the Google map shown on your careers site uses the location value(s) set for the jobs which are Open and Visible - that is, the selection(s) for the job in the Categories tab of the job wizard for the applicable SnapHire geocoded category.  In the example below you can see that there are three locations that jobs are available at in Auckland, when the job seeker clicks on the '3', they are zoomed in for more detail, then if they click on a location pin (e.g. the specific category value 'Auckland - Inner') the applicable job summaries are displayed:

To utilize this Google Map feature:

  1. Your organization needs to acquire the Google Map API Key which is added to your SnapHire site configuration (that is; to the new field added in this version).  Please note that this Google service does incur charges so please review the details at https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/ (then click the 'GET A KEY' or 'VIEW PRICING AND PLANS' button).
  2. When a Google Map API Key has been acquired, your careers site requires web development to incorporate an interactive Google map with your existing search options.  Project scope and timelines would need to be confirmed with our web team.

If an interactive location map is of interest to your organisation, please contact Support.

Rename system 'phone' fields

In this version we have completed the renaming process of the job seeker phone number fields.  In most places there were already appearing as Phone 1 and Phone 2 for some time, but their name in the database was still 'Home phone' and 'Work phone' and this was visible to recruiters who had been granted the permission to manage views (e.g. bucket views).  These are now consistently throughout the site as 'Phone 1' and 'Phone 2.  For example in bucket view management:

In this version (8468)

Haineslink:  Inclusion of job URL in information pre-populated

This relates to organizations whose sites are configured to use Haineslink (integrated media partner).  In this version we have included the job URL (e.g. https://yoursite.com/?job=1234HL) in the information that is provided to Haineslink.  This means the job URL will be pre-populated in the Haineslink form you arrive at:

New push APIs for 'Phases'

For organizations who have enabled the Talent App Store with their SnapHire site, in version 8467 we added two new SnapHire user permissions ('Can manage API phase setup' and 'Can manage API phase views') to manage 'phase' configuration on your site for use with APIs.  'Phases' are the groupings of your job application buckets into logical chunks for your organization (e.g. an 'Onboarding' phase might include buckets like Offer, Hired, Onboarding in progress, Onboarding completed etc) for sharing with other parties.  Having buckets grouped into phases means that you can choose to only share application info about job seekers in the specified phase to an app.

  • In version 8467 the APIs that were made available for external parties to use with 'phases' could only call and get info from SnapHire.  
  • In this version, 8468, we have added new APIs which are able to push information to the external party when triggered by an event in SnapHire - for example, an application is moved into a bucket which triggers the API to tell the third party information about the application.  Please note that the external party will only get information pushed to them if this is specified in their app.

Performance improvements

In this version we have made several small changes to improve database performance. These include:

  • Job seeker profile updates:  We have made some changes to the way the job seeker profiles indexes are rebuilt for searching after a job seeker has updated their profile.
  • Job searches for location pinned users:  For organizations who use location pinning for users, we have improved the counting process for job search results (e.g. the count of 16 jobs for 'Your On hold jobs'):

Fix for location pinned users

This fix only relates to organizations who use location pinning for users.  We have fixed an issue which was being experienced by some users, where after signing in, their location was not correctly recognized.

Fix for 'Refer a friend' / 'Email a friend' text

In this version we have fixed an issue where the 'Refer a friend' email content was always being used when an internal job seeker sent information about a job to another person from an advert on the careers site.  This email content should have only been used when the SnapHire Employee Referral (ERP) feature was configured. 

Now SnapHire uses the correct email content for this message when an internal job seeker sends this information.  That is; if an internal job seeker is viewing the job advert on your careers site, and the ERP feature is:

  • Configured: the 'Refer a friend' email content configured for the site will be used.
  • Not configured - t:he 'Email a friend' email content configured for the site will be used.

Administration changes

In this release we've also made some administration changes.  These won't impact you directly, but we know some clients will be interested to know about them:

  • General:  Additional fields added to database to support for future updates.
  • Categories - new user data field in category value admin:  In this version we have added a new field called 'User data' in the category value administration. This field can be seen under the category value description and can be used by third party integrations to hold relevant data against the specific category value.
  • Categories - new 'Google Map API Key' field for geocoded categories:  In this version we have added a new site configuration field called 'Google Map API Key' in the Admin \ Site details \ Job tab.  This option allows the 'google-map-react' component to work with Google maps utilized when viewing SnapHire geocoded category values.