
This article describes the contents of the version 8467 SnapHire product release.  This version is available for general release from the 18th of December 2017.  This article includes:

New job seeker 'Manage duplicates' feature

This version has the new 'Manage duplicates' job seeker feature available, which is in addition to the existing SnapHire 'Duplicates may exist' function/icon for job seekers.  It allows Recruiter users to review job seeker profiles, and after reviewing, apply markings to indicate that they have:

  1. Confirmed that they ARE NOT a duplicate profile.
  2. Confirmed that they ARE a duplicate profile.
  3. Link duplicate job seeker profiles together and select which one should be the master profile (which will be the profile used going forward).

Upon upgrade to v8467 this feature will not be enabled on your site, it needs to be requested via Support.  Learn more ...

'Incomplete registration' icon for job seekers

In this version we have included a new icon to indicate 'incomplete registration' for job seekers. This icon is only applicable if using SnapHire with the Talent App Store enabled and the Sign in with Email app installed.  

When a job seeker has provided their email address and password via Sign in with Email app (and verified their account), but they have not yet provided their first name and last name, the 'incomplete registration' icon is applied to the job seeker profile.  When this information is later provided, the icon is removed.  Learn more ...

New option for default sort order of applications in bucket list view

By default, applications in bucket list view are sorted by their submission date in descending order (i.e. the newest at the top, through to the oldest at the bottom).  In this version we have added the option to reverse this default sort order if required by your organization.  Please contact support if you would like, by default, for applications in bucket list view to be sorted by their submission date in ascending order. (i.e. the oldest at the top, through to the newest at the bottom).

New SnapHire user permissions

In this version we have added two new SnapHire user permissions to manage 'phase' configuration on your site for use with APIs.  'Phases' are the groupings of your job application buckets into logical chunks for your organization (e.g. an 'Onboarding' phase might include buckets like Offer, Hired, Onboarding in progress, Onboarding completed etc) for sharing with other parties.  Having buckets grouped into phases means that you can choose to only give application info about job seekers in the specified phase to an app.

The two new related permissions are:

  1. Can manage API phase setup:  This new permission sits under the 'Module' heading for permissions.  Upon upgrade to v8467 this permission is set to be 'Available to' Recruiter users only.  If granted, the 'Manage API phase setup' menu item becomes available on the 'Admin' tab (under the 'API' menu) which gives the user the ability to link buckets to API phases.
  2. Can manage API phase views:  This new permission sits under the 'Module' heading for permissions.  Upon upgrade to v8467 this permission is set to be 'Available to' Recruiter users only.  If granted, the 'Manage API phase views' menu item becomes available on the 'Admin' tab (under the 'API' menu) which gives the user the ability to edit API phase views. 

Reduction in logo size seen in application data

When the application method is not SnapHire and is instead any of the 'apply' type apps (e.g. LinkedIn Apply), the size of the logo appearing in the application data within SnapHire was very large.  In this version it has been reduced.  For example:

Change to location of 'Edit my details' button/link on the careers site

When a job seeker is signed into the careers site, they will see the SnapHire 'MY DETAILS' navigation button/link at the top of all pages.  If they click on this they are taken to their details, and within their profile information the 'EDIT MY DETAILS' button is visible (which they can click on to make changes to their profile).   Before this change some careers sites were displaying the 'EDIT MY DETAILS' button at the top of the page directly next to the 'MY DETAILS' navigation button which caused some confusion. 

Correction to video upload information recorded in the application snapshot

When viewing an application snapshot:

If the SnapHire registration and/or job application questions asked included a video upload type question, and the question was not answered (i.e. no video was uploaded so the answer had a null value), the application snapshot incorrectly displayed the message 'video uploaded'. This has now been resolved.

Unlisted link - inclusion of device type sourcing information when 'apply' apps are used

In this version we have made changes so that when the application method is any 'apply' type app (for example 'LinkedIn Apply'), the device type sourcing information (e.g. Mobile, Desktop etc) is included in the information being processed to SnapHire for job seeker registration sourcing or application sourcing via Unlisted link.  Please note that all other sourcing information (e.g. the media code) was being processed to SnapHire correctly prior to this version.  Learn more about sourcing ... 

Fix for issue with special character (consecutive spaces) handling

In this version we have changed the way the html is handled in the following areas to fix an issue that some users were experiencing when entering consecutive spaces, or some macrons (e.g ā) in the editor available:

  1. Bucket instructions editor (if you have been granted the permission 'Perform site setup'):  When adding/editing bucket instruction text for a SnapHire user or job seeker.
  2. Welcome messages editor (if you have been granted the permission 'Manage welcome messages'): When adding/editing a homepage welcome message for Recruiter users, Manager users and / or Processing agency users.
  3. Announcements editor (if you have been granted the permission 'Can manage announcements' and your site is configured for location pinning):  When adding/editing a homepage announcement message for users.

Fix for 500 error experienced by some job seekers

Some job seekers experienced a 500 error when using the 'Sign in with Email' app to sign up, sign in or reset their password   The error was sometimes experienced when a job seeker would start the process in one browser (e.g. signed up in Google Chrome) and then completed the process in another (e.g. In Internet Explorer, opened their email and clicked on the verification link they had been sent). This has now been fixed.

Fix for error experienced by some job seekers after completing sign in

When using SnapHire with the Talent App Store enabled, there was an issue some job seekers, using certain browsers (e.g. Safari on IOS.10.3.3), would experience when attempting to follow a link which would sign them into the careers site.  After completing the sign in process. they would encounter an error message. This has now been resolved.

Further fix for tags link

In v8466 we included a fix which addressed an issue which was being experienced by some Recruiter users who were attempting to view lists of job seekers who had been tagged.  That fix resolved the issue, but in this version we have included some enhancements to this fix to ensure that other similar scenarios do not eventuate.  

Fix for job seeker list view error relating to full address details

In v8466 we introduced a bug which impacted organizations who included the job seekers full address details in their default job seeker list view.  This issue has been resolved. 

Fix for various grammatical errors

In this version we have corrected the following grammatical errors:

  1. For job seekers:  When using the SnapHire application and/or registration wizard, or the Edit my details screen:  When selecting a public profile, in the drop-down list of public profiles the option Github was incorrectly displayed as 'Githib'.
  2. For job seekers:  When viewing their profile information, if not subscribed to alerts, the onscreen information was corrected from 'I will be not sent alerts...' to 'I will not be sent alerts...'. 
  3. CREATE \ New job seeker \ Postal (if granted the permission 'Can create and search job seekers'): When creating a new postal job seeker the onscreen instruction was corrected from 'cannot not use'. 
  4. Admin tab \ Application status groups (if granted the permission 'Perform site setup'):  When no content was specified for a group name, the onscreen instruction was corrected from 'Please specified a name’.
  5. Admin tab \ Application status reporting groups (if granted the permission 'Perform site setup'):  When no content was specified for a reporting group name, the onscreen instruction was corrected from 'Please specified a name’.
  6. Admin tab \ Value sets (if granted the permission 'Perform site maintenance'):  When no content was specified for a value set name or value name (within a value set), the onscreen instruction was corrected from 'Please specified a name’.

Administration changes

In this release we've also made some administration changes.  These won't impact you directly, but we know some clients will be interested to know about them:

  1. Back link function:  For users granted the permission 'Can manage bucket views' who use the administration screen available at Admin tab \ Manage bucket views (under the heading Application settings).  In this version we have fixed the '< Back to Manage bucket views' link in this administration screen so it continued to work as expected if you used the drop-down list to change to a different workflow from what you entered the screen as.
  2. Fix for Admin \ Manage bucket views:  When saving changes to bucket views in this administration screen, there was sometimes an error produced after clicking the SAVE button (depending on how long it took to save the view). This has now been fixed.
  3. Amended name and/or description for permissions: In this version we have amended the following permission names and descriptions to reflect our change of use of the term 'login' to 'sign in'.
    • Allow manager to login and access jobs:  This permission is now called 'Allow manager to sign in and access jobs' and the permission description also updated accordingly. 
    • Allow agency user to process jobs: The description for this permission has been updated from 'This permission grants agency users the ability to login to SnapHire...' to 'This permission grants agency users the ability to sign in to SnapHire...'.
    • Can remote access Freshdesk:  The description for this permission has been updated from 'This permission grants users access to the remote login link to Freshdesk ....' to 'This permission grants users access to the remote sign in link to Freshdesk ....'.
    • Can view EEO Information:  The description for this permission has been updated from '... When logged in as job seeker...' to '.... When signed in as job seeker...'.
    • Manage users: The description for this permission has been updated from '..., including the user account that is logged in. ...' to '..., including the user account that is signed in. ...'