
This article describes the contents of the version 8466 SnapHire product release.  This version is available for general release from the 14th September 2017.  This article includes:

New SnapHire user permissions

In this version we have added two new SnapHire user permissions:

  1. Can manage bucket views:  This new permission sits under the 'Module' heading for permissions.  Upon upgrade to v8466 this permission is set to be 'Available to' Recruiter users only.  If granted, the 'Manage bucket views' menu item becomes available on the 'Admin' tab (under the 'Application settings' menu) which gives the user the ability to edit bucket views via the new administration screen (refer below).  
  2. Can manage Assessment Hub views:  This new permission sits under the 'Module' heading for permissions.  Upon upgrade to v8466 this permission is set to be 'Available to' Recruiter users only.  If granted, the 'Manage Assessment hub views' menu item becomes available on the 'Admin' tab (under the 'Application settings' menu) which gives the user the ability to edit application-scoped views that are available to Assessment Hub related apps via the new administrative screen (refer below).

New admin screen - Manage bucket views

Many organizations have asked us for the ability to manage their own bucket views - that is, which columns of information are shown in which buckets / workflows.  Prior to this version recruiters could change the view 'on the fly' (using the 'REFINE THIS SEARCH' button) when working in a bucket on a job, but needed to contact our support team to make a permanent change.  With this version, key users in your organization are able to add, edit and copy bucket views themselves once they have been granted the new permission mentioned above ('Can manage bucket views').  

If a user has been granted the required permission they can use this new administration screen (available from the Admin navigation tab) to edit, copy the bucket views and map to any workflow(s) configured on the site.  For more information, please refer to the on-screen instructions.

New admin screen - Manage Assessment Hub views

If a user has been granted the new permission 'Can manage Assessment Hub views' they can use this new administration screen (available from the Admin navigation tab) to edit the views in SnapHire of the relevant information provided by the 'Assessment Hub'.  The Assessment Hub is a new app by Aotal which provides a platform for third parties to assist with your job seeker assessment processes.  You can check here later for more about the Assessment Hub app, or for more information about this new administration screen within SnapHire, please refer to the on-screen instructions.

More system fields available in SnapHire 'views'

In this version we have added more of our existing system fields to the 'views' so they can be selected for APIs (which are then used by other apps in the Talent App Store etc).  In doing this work it also means that these existing system fields are now also available to the views within SnapHire such as:

  • Job list view
  • Job seeker list view
  • Job approval details
  • Bucket views
  • Hiring approval
  • Document Generator
  • Assessment Hub

Fix for team tags link

In this version we have fixed an issue which was being experienced by Recruiter users who were attempting to view lists of job seekers who had been tagged with a 'Team tag'.  In this version, if the Recruiter is on the Seeker tab and chooses TAGS \ Private and team tags and then clicks on a tag name in the 'Team tags' section, the seekers associated with the tag will be displayed as expected.

Fix for '503 error' experienced after site restart

In this version we have fixed an issue which was causing users to be presented with a 503 error on their first attempt to sign in after their SnapHire site had been restarted (e.g. as part of a version upgrade).

New name for 'Can search job seekers' permission

In this version we have not made any changes to the functionality of this permission but we have renamed it from 'Can search job seekers' to 'Can create and search job seekers' to better reflect what it grants the user to do.  The description for this permission has also been updated to "This permission grants Recruiter users access to the 'Seekers' tab, as well as the ability to search for 'Candidates' using the quick search option at the top right-hand side of the screen. In addition, the user will be able to create new job seekers without being associated to a job (via CREATE \ New job seeker).".  

Administration changes

In this release we've also made some administration changes.  These won't impact you directly, but we know some clients will be interested to know about them:

  1. Set site schema permissions:  In this version we have set a new permission within the schema of your site which means it will be possible, if required in the future, for SnapHire to use the Talent App Store APIs to let other apps know when someone has been moved into a bucket.
  2. Default view added for Assessment Hub view types:  Upon upgrade to version 8466, an assessment hub view type of 'Default' will be added to your site to allow basic plug and play functionality for the Assessment Hub app when it is released.  This new default view will have first name, last name and email address as chosen data fields, but these can be changed as required by your organization in the future (using the Manage application hub view types administration screen - refer above).