
This article describes the contents of the version 8460 SnapHire product release.  This version is available for general release from 13 April 2017 and includes:

Quick search improvements for Recruiters

In this version we have made improvements to the way the quick search feature works when Recruiter users are searching for candidates. This feature only has the 'Candidates' option available if you are a Recruiter user who has been granted the permission 'Can search jobseekers':

What you are able to search for has not changed, but the speed at which the search is carried out has been improved dramatically.  To recap, you can use the Quick search feature to search for a job seeker by full/partial name (searches across the first name, middle name, last name and preferred name field (if it is configured on your site)), email address or phone number.

TIP:  If you need to search across all of the job seekers details (e.g. not just their name but their name, address, resume etc) use the Seekers tab \ REFINE THIS SEARCH \ '+ who have keywords' feature instead (you'll need to have been granted the permission 'Can search jobseekers' for the Seekers tab to be visible).

Appointment booker improvements

In this version we have made the following improvements to the Appointment Booker feature:

  1. Appointment booker report - speed to download:  The time required to download this report used to vary greatly (up to 2 minutes in some cases) regardless of the number of appointments booked.  This issue has been addressed and now downloading this report reliably takes just a few seconds.
  2. Appointment booker report - slot display:  The report has been improved to show the date when a slot is on a different date from the previous slot. For example, if a slot is on 7 March at 3pm and another slot is on 8 March at 4pm, the date is now clearly displayed for both slots (it used to look like both slots were on the 7 March).
  3. Appointment booker report - sort order:  The appointment booker report by location was sometimes incorrect in its sorting order.  In some instances, this report did not display the appointments by start time but by the order in which the slots were created. This has now been fixed.
  4. Date range automatically queried by the calendar:  Previously when using the appointment booker calendar, the query looked up slots several months each side of the date you were interested in.  From this version only slots in the current month are queried which greatly improves the response speed - you can still query previous/next months if required by using the arrow buttons.
  5. Location and time zone for job seeker appointment picking:  With changes made to category setup options (refer Administration changes below) we can now choose any category to be used as the location/timezone for your appointment booker slots.  For example; Your organization may conduct interviews at branches which are different from the locations listed in the 'Locations' profile/search agent category on your website (which job seekers use to find jobs and profile themselves).  The 'Geocoded' feature is turned off for the 'Locations' category and turned on for a new job specific 'Branches' category (not visible to job seekers when searching for jobs/profiling themselves).  These branches, and their applicable timezones, become the locations of your appointment booker appointments.

Reporting fix relating to daylight savings dates

When using SAP's Business Objects for reporting on SnapHire data, there was an error being caused by daylight savings dates.  The issue was when reporting on dates that were set before daylight savings (due to the system default saving the time at midnight which caused errors when shifting based on time zone) and has now been fixed.

Job board posting to Seek improved for Yes/No questions

In this version we have fixed an issue related to the Seek job board postings (via the 'Posted to job boards widget' on the job details page) in relation to Yes/No questions.  The issue was that answers to Yes/No questions asked by Seek and passed through to SnapHire were being marked as invalid.

Duplicate job seeker management

We have some exciting new improvements to the process of managing duplicate job seekers coming very soon!  The first part of this change is included in this version ... the only changes you'll notice at this time are some additional labels on the legend you see when looking at a list of job seekers, and an extra option in the 'Refine this search' available in the Seekers tab (but it won't do anything at this stage!).

Administration changes

In this release we've also made some administration changes.  These changes won't impact you directly, but we thought you might like to know about them just the same:

  1. 'Geocoded' feature for categories:   The 'Geocoded' feature within the category setup allows each value within the category to have a timezone associated with it (typically used by the Appointment Booker feature).  In this version we have made the 'Geocoded' feature available for all category types, previously this was only available for 'profile/search agent' type categories (and if attempted for other category types, the job value or site default for timezone was be used). Please note that only one category on each SnapHire site can be marked as 'Geocoded'.
  2. Add SnapHire version information to the ping javascript URL:  We have added SnapHire version information to the javascript URL to ensure that the correct file is loaded by your browser automatically (even though the file has the same name from version to version).  Previously a hard refresh was sometimes required to detect the new file.
  3. Update of Site XML helper information:  When administrators are reviewing/amending the XML that defines some settings on your site, they often refer to the 'helper' text (instructions).  In this version we have updated the information available to administrators in relation to approval settings and the default true/false settings.